Call for Abstract
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia proudly invite all nursing scholars, students, researchers, and lecturers to participate in the 9th Biennial International Nursing Conference (9th BINC) October 16th-17th 2024.
Nurses are a profession that is integral to healthcare services. Quality healthcare services are highly anticipated by patients and their families, who require services provided with a touch of compassion and proficient skills. Nurses are also expected to not only provide services during illness but also during the recovery process. Nurses’ work needs recognition and support to improve the health and well-being of the community. Recognition of the existence and presence of nurses is essential for nurses to have a greater impact on society. Enhancing knowledge and skills can be applied in innovations created in nursing care. Innovations in nursing care, whether in education or service areas, aim to improve the healthcare services provided. It is a significant challenge for nurses to innovate in healthcare services now and in the future. The 9th BINC committee has decided to highlight this topic as the theme for the 2024 Conference.

Promoting hybrid learning methods in nursing education and practice programs, identifying partnership opportunities between educational institutions, governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to enhance nursing education and services as well as international collaboration, and publishing research findings and outreach programs in reputable national and international journals.
1. To publish a few scientific works from research by Indonesian nurses in internationally reputable journals indexed in Scopus,
2. To increase cooperation between researchers from various countries and at the same time become a publication medium for Indonesian academics,
3. Researchers can exchange information so that it will be able to add insight and maturity of scientific thinking.
1. Health Promotion, Community Nursing, Family Nursing, and Occupational Health
2. Maternal Health
3. Child Health
4. Medical Surgical Nursing
5. Acute, Emergency, Critical Care, and Disaster Nursing
6. Psychiatric and Mental Health
7. Nursing IT, Micro Technology, and Artificial Intelligence
8. Nursing Education/Health Technology
9. Aging, Long Term
10.Nursing Management and Policy
11.Infection Disease/ Infection Control and Disease Prevention
12.Oncology and Palliative Care